
27.04.2024 Glinojeck 11,93 MWe, Poland

On 27 April 2024, we are the supplier of the sugar mill's Energo Centre technology we have entered into an agreement with the company PFEIFER & LANGEN Polska S. A..

26.04.2024 ICCI 2024 Turkey

EKOL throughout its history had been following on regular basis the Turkish PGI market which is nowdays considered the hottest geography of the global energy markets, and so has attended again the ICCI International Energy and Environment Fair and Conference held in Istanbul on April 24 – 26. 2024.

24.04.2024 Fair IFAT 2024 in Munich

ShaanGu EKOL sales team has attended IFAT 2024 in Munich, already the 22nd world trade fair for water, wastewater and waste management.

24.04.2024 Jingyuan 35.6MW, P.R.China

On April 24, 2024, EKOL signed another steam turbine contract with Jingyuan Coal Industry Group Liuhua Chemical Co., Ltd.

01.12.2023 PF2024
Dear all, I am pleased to forward you our electronic New Year greeting in English.
24.10.2023 Henan Xinlianxin Chemicals Group Co.
Company Henan Xinlianxin Chemicals Group Co. signed a contract with our parent company Xi'an Shaangu Power Co.
15 to 19 October 2023 we attended in the fair PETROAFRICA LIBYA
11.10.2023 Synthesia, a.s.
On 11 October 2023, we entered into a contract with Synthesia, a.s.
14.09.2023 ECOSTART a. s. Badín
On 14 September 2023, EKOL Martin signed a contract with ECOSTART a. s., which is based in the town of Badin. The subject of the service is the overhaul of a 7.2 MW steam turbine.
01.09.2023 Teplárny Brno, a.s.
On 1 September, EKOL signed a contract with Škoda Praha for the delivery of a biomass boiler burning wood chips in Brno North.
21.06.2023 Lectures at VUT
Thanks to the leadership of the research and development division, Ing. Marka Saňky MBA, took place on 21 June 2023 on the territory of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Brno University of Technology set of lectures led by doc. Fiedler.  
26.05.2023 Participation in the largest Turkish exhibition and ICCI conference
From May 24 to 26, 2023, we attended Turkey's largest exhibition and conference ICCI in the field of energy and environment.
23.03.2023 Heating and Energy Days 2023 in Olomouc
Our sales managers attended the 29th annual conference „Dny teplárenství“ in Olomouc on 23th and 24th March. 
10.08.2022 MH Teplárenský holding, a.s.

On 10 August 2022, we successfully concluded a contract with MH Teplárenský holding, a.s., plant Žilina. The subject of the work is the reconstruction of the turbine and generator capacity of 20 MWe.

08.02.2022 Jingyuan 35,6 MW, CN

Společnost EKOL podepsala 8. února 2022 smlouvu na projekt parní turbíny se společností Jingyuan Coal Industry Group Liuhua Chemical Co., Ltd..

07.05.2021 ECO RAVEN – 6,9MWe

On May 7, 2021, we concluded a contract for the supply of a steam boiler and steam turbine to the biomass power unit for the Polish customer Energika, spólka jawna.

30.03.2021 Yingde Gases 28 MW, P.R. China

On 30 March 2021, we concluded the contract for the supply of the second condensing steam turbine with a nominal output of 28 MW with Yinde Gases Group. 

18.03.2021 Synthos Dwory 7 Sp. z o.o., Sp. - 31.7 MW

On March 18, 2021, Synthos signed a contract with EKOL for the supply of a turbogenerator plant with an output of 32 MW with a backpressure steam turbine EST 50BE.

22.02.2021 Wanhua Chemical 8 MW, P.R. China

On 22 Feb. 2021, we concluded a contract for the supply of a condensing steam turbine with a nominal output of 8 MW with Wanhua Chemical Group

22.02.2021 Yingde Gases 42 MW, P.R.China

On 22 Feb. 2021, we concluded a contract for the supply of a condensing steam turbine with a nominal output of 42 MW with Yinde Gases Group

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EKOL, spol. s r.o. is a respected European manufacturer and supplier of heat and power generating plants...


30 years of ShaanGu EKOL company

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+420 543 531 710

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Glinojeck 11,93 MWe, Poland

On 27 April 2024, we are the supplier of the sugar mill's Energo Centre...

Update: 27.04.2024