


The aim of the project Developing a Specialized R & D Centre for Power Generating Equipment in EKOL, spol., is to establish a new research and development (R&D) unit specializing in power generating equipment.

The R&D centre will focus on the projects that will result in optimizing highly stressed parts of the equipment manufactured by EKOL spol. s.r.o. and obtaining maximum efficiency and unification of the steam turbines performance range.

Grant Provider: European Union, “Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness” OP, POTENTIAL Subprogramme – 1st call



The aim of the project Development of New Unified Ranges of Steam Turbines with Higher Efficiency is to prepare technical documentation for new unified steam turbine power ranges, build and test prototypes of selected structural nodes of the new equipment with higher power efficiency and operational reliability, design and verify the production technology of these key nodes of the equipment, using appropriate intellectual property protection for the initial results of research and development.

Another aim is to develop new software for the design and optimization of steam turbine parameters. The final benefit of the project is to increase competitiveness and market share of EKOL spol. s r.o. not only on the European market but also worldwide.

Grant Provider: European Union, “Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness” OP, APPLICATION Subprogramme – 1st call



EKOL, spol. s r.o. is a respected European manufacturer and supplier of heat and power generating plants...


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