
EKOL ensures not only supplies of thermal units, but also the general deliveries of complete boiler houses. We provide service, overhauls, upgrades and environment friendly solutions for boilers, including supplies of boiler spare parts or componentboth in the Czech Republic and abroad.

EKOL is certified to supply all types of hot water boilers and steam boilers, and solid fuel boilers as regards safety of machinery and equipment. On the basis of these documents, EKOL is entitled to supply boilers to thez territory of the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan.


We provide comprehensive supplies of steam, hot and warm water boiler houses /boilers, using the following energy sources:

  • Wood chips and wood waste

  • Straw and biomass

  •  Liquid and gaseous fuels

  •  Brown and black coal

  • Technological gases




EKOL, spol. s r.o. is a respected European manufacturer and supplier of heat and power generating plants...


30 years of ShaanGu EKOL company

Video links in CZE, PL, ARAB

Bioelectric plant in Sviadnov

Video links in CZE, GER

+420 543 531 710

Send e-mail to us
Glinojeck 11,93 MWe, Poland

On 27 April 2024, we are the supplier of the sugar mill's Energo Centre...

Update: 27.04.2024