Code of Ethics for employees, partners and co-workers of all companies in the EKOL Group

The purpose of this document is to introduce company's basic ethical values and principles to customers, business partners and the public.

The Company recognizes the following core values

Compliance with laws

The Company respects in all circumstances the laws and other legal regulations of the Czech Republic and any arising obligations, it does not act against their principles and does not attempt to circumvent them in any way, it does not engage other entities in violation of them, nor does it consciously participate in such breaches. The company strictly adheres to the principles of commercial confidentiality.
The company adheres to technical regulations, rules and technical standards, controls and duly maintains technical facilities with a provable quality management system, maintains the skills of employees at the level of the best technical knowledge.

Compliance with competition rules

The company complies with and acts in accordance with competition law and in accordance with the principles of good morals of competition, does not conclude prohibited cartels with other competitors, nor does it abuse its position on the market in order to exclude, restrict or otherwise distort or threaten competition. The Company acts in accordance with the rules of fair trade.

Market behavior

The Company does not provide or offer any reward

s or benefits to any person or entity to cause them to act contrary to good manners or to contravene the laws of the Czech Republic in order to ensure a disproportionate advantage.
The Company does not require or accept any undue payments or rewards that would have been provided in order to cause it to act contrary to the established obligations.
The company faithfully records all financial transactions and maintains accounting in accordance with legal regulations, accounting policies, methodologies and rules.

Political neutrality

The company maintains political neutrality and does not support any political organization through donations or other benefits.
Health and environmental protection
The company fully respects and complies with environmental regulations and strives to meet conditions that are more favorable to local conditions than regulations require. It carries out a policy of continuous improvement of all measures for the protection of life, health, safety, property and the environment in the interests of those entities that may be affected by its activities.

Professional dealing with customers and suppliers

The company, with its customers and suppliers, builds on and maintains stable and lasting relationships based on mutual trust and respect for their interests. The company presents services and products in a true and honest way and makes only statements and decisions that do not conflict with good business morals.
The Company guarantees that the quality of the products and services produced corresponds to the standards in force in the Czech Republic and is in line with the descriptions and statements that apply to them.
The company is committed to informing customers and the public about matters of importance from a technical and security point of view.
The Company endeavors to resolve all comments, complaints and complaints of customers properly, in a timely manner and in accordance with the Complaints Rules.

Employee relationships

• in all circumstances, it creates and guarantees appropriate working conditions for its employees in terms of work safety and protects the lives, health and property of customers and other persons,
• provides a safe and healthy working environment and strives for its continuous improvement,
• provides equal employment opportunities to people regardless of race, color, gender, nationality, religion, ethnicity, or other distinctive characteristics, does not allow discrimination or harassment,
• does not employ persons under the age of 15 or with under-compulsory basic attendance,
• does not use slave or forced labor or other illegal practices to restrict the free movement of workers,
• Respects employees' right to minimum subsistence and always ensure minimum wage,
• Employees are treated with respect, without coercion and verbal insults,
• does not tolerate any corrupt, fraudulent or coercive practices.

General principles of employee behavior

Employees perform their work honestly, with the highest degree of decency, conscientious and in good faith. It makes decisions and addresses issues objectively based on their merits and without unnecessary delays. Employees always act correctly, responsibly, and responsibly.
Employees do not abuse their status, knowledge, confidential information obtained in connection with employment and personal contacts for their benefit or for the benefit of third parties, observe confidentiality about the facts they have learned in connection with the performance of work.
Employees avoid doing business, behavior or behavior in their personal life that could reduce public confidence in society and harm the company's reputation. Any employee who is in a position to be regarded as a company representative should generally express only company opinions rather than their own attitudes.
Every employee has the duty to immediately notify the suspicious circumstance that a particular situation does not comply with these principles, rules or internal regulations without any negative consequences for him.
Employees are obliged to act in a manner that is not in contradiction with the criminal law, in particular Act No. 418/2011 Coll., On Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings against them, as amended, and to comply with the generally binding legal regulations, the Company's Conditions of Employment and other valid internal regulations Companies. Employees are particularly cautioned about the principle that any employee's request for bribe or acceptance of any form of bribe or other benefit is an unacceptable practice and companies are never accepted.
Employees protect the intellectual property of EKOL company as well as protect passwords and other access data to (not only electronic) EKOL group companies.

Conflict of interest

A company employee prevents his / her actions from being exposed to a possible conflict of his / her private interest and occupational and functional position. Private interest includes any benefit for him, his family, relatives and related persons.

Handling of funds

Employee of the company spends, in accordance with legal regulations, every effort to ensure

The most efficient and economic management and use of the financial resources and facilities entrusted to it. He / she manages these resources efficiently and economically.
Employees, customers, business partners and the general public may point out situations that they believe do not meet the above principles and principles of the company, and may send this information to the CEO of the company to request such an investigation. The Company declares and assures the notifier that due care will be given to the notices and impulses and that measures are taken to correct the undesirable state and to prevent or avert the consequences.



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Update: 01.12.2023