Yingde Gases 28 MW, P.R. China

On 30 March 2021, we concluded the contract for the supply of the second condensing steam turbine with a nominal output of 28 MW with Yinde Gases Group. The EKOL turbine will serve as an essential part of a comprehensive solution for powering up the air separation unit for the continuous operation of its synthetic ammonia plant. EKOL will continue the good cooperation with the customer by securing the on time delivery with both quality and readiness.



EKOL, spol. s r.o. is a respected European manufacturer and supplier of heat and power generating plants...


30 years of ShaanGu EKOL company

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Bioelectric plant in Sviadnov

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Glinojeck 11,93 MWe, Poland

On 27 April 2024, we are the supplier of the sugar mill's Energo Centre...

Update: 27.04.2024