Wanhua Chemical 8 MW, P.R. China

On 22 Feb. 2021, we concluded a contract for the supply of a condensing steam turbine with a nominal output of 8 MW with Wanhua Chemical Group, which is a global leading suppliers of chemical innovative products, which will have this turbine integrated into its supporting facilities for the production complexes in Fujian, Southeast China, one of its five key production complexes in China. This is the third time for Wanhua to choose EKOL turbine.



EKOL, spol. s r.o. is a respected European manufacturer and supplier of heat and power generating plants...


30 years of ShaanGu EKOL company

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Bioelectric plant in Sviadnov

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Glinojeck 11,93 MWe, Poland

On 27 April 2024, we are the supplier of the sugar mill's Energo Centre...

Update: 27.04.2024