Opening ceremony Shaanxi International Capacity Cooperation Promotion Center
On 30 June 2018, representatives of EKOL and ShaanGu met during the opening ceremony of the Shaanxi International Capacity Cooperation Promotion Center.
In 2013, Mr. Xi Jinping, the President of China, introduced the economic initiative of the Modern Silk Road. It is a comprehensive financial and business strategy to represent the PRC's response to an unbalanced global geo-economic situation and aims to increase the global influence of the PRC. The Silk Road Vision includes two major business strategies.
The first one, land corridor, copies the ancient Silk Road and leads from China through Central Asia to Europe. The second one, maritime silk road, leads across the Indian subcontinent, spinning around the Bay of Bengal, then across the Indian Ocean to the eastern shores of Africa and through the Suez Canal to Europe.
Xi'an city is the starting point of the historic Silk Road, the oldest of the Four Great Ancient Capitals, an important cultural, industrial and educational centre of the central-northwest region, and also the capital of Shaanxi Province, where Shaanxi Province development strategy is currently being implemented abroad.
EKOL is currently the largest investment of the Shaanxi Province in the Czech Republic. That is why the provincial government decided to set up a platform for international capacity cooperation in ShaanGu and EKOL and to establish the Promotion Center. The central responsibility of the Center is to develop the cooperation of state-owned enterprises in Shaanxi with the government of the Czech Republic.
By supporting this project and tracking various opportunities, Shaanxi Province will actively and sustainably support companies in fields of business, investment and manufacturing. The main objective is to explore the international market, to support foreign investment in technological cooperation in the field of joint development.
Last year, the ShaanGu European R&D Center in Düsseldorf and the MRO Center in EKOL were established. Although they are independent centers, their work is closely related to each other and is a link of ShaanGu across Europe.